
The New York Times does Eva Golinger

Eva is moving up in the revolutionary world. The New York Times, bastion of liberalism, has published a profile of Eva Golinger. As Daniel argues, why would the New York Times consider worthy ceding a piece of its publication's real state to a non entity, such as Eva Golinger? My view is that, if anything, the NYT, and Reuters before that, are simply setting the record straight on Eva, which is something I started doing in 2003. She's gaining notoriety. She's travelling with Chavez now. She's even going to have her own programme, in that beacon of "objective" journalism, which is Putin-controlled Russia Today. Both articles present her as editor of officially-funded Correo del Orinoco. Simon Romero's article in the NYT goes even further, and refers to her as "one of the most prominent fixtures of Venezuela’s expanding state propaganda complex."

As her idol, to whom she owes a lavish lifestyle and everything she's got, Golinger really is her own worst enemy. One only has to see the zeal with which she defends Chavez to realise that objectivity, respect for rule of law and human rights aren't values Golinger holds dear. The peculiarly funny thing is that Golinger resents being defined as a propagandist, which is effectively what she is. In that regard, the NYT is to be applauded. As Larry Rohter did with Oliver Stone's propagandistic film and his officially-funded sources, now Simon Romero's article has "outed" Eva Golinger, in The New York Times no less!


Kepler said...

You are right. I often wondered if it was worth mentioning her, but then came to the conclusion that yes, it was: even if what she says is preposterous for the great majority, showing how much make prevent at least some silly PSFs to follow her path.

And perhaps Chavismo may consider to spend less money on useless idiots and a bit more on education or health (I know, I know).

I have seen there is an old German woman reprinting old articles from the extreme left praising Chávez. She was commenting in several blogs and forums in German.
It seems the Venezuelan embassy in France, where she currently lives, had something to do with that. I have read some of Golinger's tweets and she seems to be looking for translators into other languages for her articles.
The regime really is finding it harder to get more people on that kind of job.

AB said...

This late in the game, only radical fanatics, true believers I think they're called, believe the BS that comes from Chavez or his paid apologists.

The NYT is doing a stellar job in exposing these people as nothing more than propaganda agents. Thus far they've done it with Oliver Stone, Tariq Ali, Gregory Wilpert, and now Eva Golinger. Human Rights Watch had done it earlier, with the 100 or so imbeciles that signed that letter protesting a report on Venezuela.

Sooner or later they'll out Mark Weisbrot's suspect connections with the Bolivarian Revolution through the Venezuelan Embassy in DC. And then, who else will be left?

On this side of the pond, there are still some that believe in Chavez, Castro, communism, etc. Fortunately, these are pariahs who have no sway in politics.

There will always be Eva Golingers in this world, but their insane apology for dictatorial regimes is less and less permitted in civilised society. So, in disagreement with some of my fellow bloggers, I welcome Simon Romero's article, for that will remain in the public record forever, effectively voiding forever more Golinger's claims of impartiality and objectivity.

It's taken some time, slowly but surely though, one by one is being outed as a propagandist.

nicacat56 said...

EG's claim to citizenship really needs thorough investigating. Also, I imagine that every morning, after she wakes up, she Googles her name, just to see just how/where she's been mentioned. Talk about a media whore...

AB said...

I would bet top dollar, that Golinger's claim to citizenship is another fraud. She said she married some Venezuelan guy, last name Moncada, in her stint between 1993 and 1998. However she did not get Venezuelan citizenship due to marriage to a Venezuelan national, but rather was able to "reclaim" it due to, presumably, the fact that her mother's father was Venezuelan.

Neither Golinger, nor her mother, were born in Venezuela. Her mother doesn't even appear in the Maisanta database, which suggest she never bothered to get Venezuelan citizenship.

Golinger got her Venezuelan citizenship in 2004, pretty much like terrorists Arturo Cubillas, Rodrigo Granda, and hundreds of thousands of others, who were expediently granted naturalisation by Chavez to fatten the electoral roll.

Golinger said to the NYT that some legislation allowed her to reclaim her Venezuelan citizenship. The constitution is rather clear, and has not been modified in that respect as far as I know. So I do believe that Chavez gave her citizenship for propaganda services rendered to the revolution, and I very much doubt that it was obtained legally.

Maxime loiseau said...

Hello. This is a contribution from Spain. I happened to watch a TV program from Russia on RT while staying at a hotel. Program was run by Eva Golinger in Spanish - with her American accent. The subject was about the supposedly infamous actions of the US special forces around the world. This topic seems to be the obsession of this woman. Paranoiacs base their passion on one obsession and carry on all their lives with it and so she does. She also makes a business out of this. From an unknown very low level hardly qualified attorney in the US, she is now a famous propagandist for Venezuela, benefiting from a lot of prerogatives. Her programs and articles are of very low quality and clearly oriented. It's sad to see that Venezuela has fallen in the hands of such people. How long will this still last for?