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Martin Rodil's extortion racket: €18 million from Nervis Villalobos, €1 million from Javier Alvarado, €600k from Carlos Aguilera, €500k from Alejandro Betancourt.

A joint investigation -based on documents leaked to Portugal's Expreso newspaper- reveals that Martin Rodil managed to extort over €20 million from Venezuelan criminals wanted in different jurisdictions: "Documentos obtidos pelo Expresso - e partilhados com o ICIJ, o Consórcio Internacional de Jornalistas de Investigação, e com parceiros de ‘media’ em Espanha, nos Estados Unidos, na Venezuela e em Israel -, revelam como um consultor israelo-venezuelano de nome Martin Rodil recebeu de forma secreta 18 milhões de euros de dinheiro roubado ao estado venezuelano, enquanto trabalhava ao serviço das autoridades americanas para levar à justiça dos EUA alguns dos mais notórios corruptos do regime de Hugo Chávez."

Nervis Villalobos, Javier Alvarado, Carlos Aguilera, Alejandro Andrade, Claudia Diaz, Adrián Velásquez Figueroa and Alejandro Betancourt have already surfaced as having paid huge amounts to Rodil, but there are many more. The Expreso reports that Hugo Góis (Portuguese money launderer already indicted and collaborator in a U.S. Department of Justice criminal probe) provided evidence showing €18 million worth of payments from Villalobos to Rodil's various shells around the world (Mercazz LLC in the U.S., Erasmus Haven in the Netherlands, Cygov Tech Ltd. in Israel and Glenfield Corporation LP in Scotland).

An associate of Rodil -called Ran Benhamu- got another €9.8 million mostly from Villalobos according to reports, which place Rodil and Raul Gorrin as instrumental in bringing Alejandro Andrade's collaboration in criminal probes conducted by the Justice Department.

Israel's The Marker has an interesting subtitle on the subject: "The transformation of the Venezuelan Martin Rodil from an American limousine driver to an intelligence source with Israeli citizenship, and subsequently wanted by law enforcement in Spain, reveals how security interests can also be costly."

Rodil's whitewash story is somewhat similar to that of David Boies, who engaged Israeli black ops agents to undermine #MeToo victims of Harvey Weinstein to then resurface as counsel for victims of Jeffrey Epstein.

The joint investigation paints Rodil as a man wearing many hats: as a saviour of (mostly) corrupt Venezuelans, as an informant to Mossad, DEA and other federal agencies; as an expert in Venezuela's corruption and partner of Roger Noriega.

Noriega's support of Rodil is quoted in the joint investigation. The former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs in the Bush administration has been an associate of Rodil for many years. They, in fact, operated in DC in an office from which Danilo Diazgranados conducted some of its businesses. 

Noriega says Rodil is "...probably one of the most effective people out there in terms of aggregating information and recruiting witnesses that have been used to indict corrupt Venezuelans".

Noriega has also said that Iran was building a missile-launch base in Paraguaná, and that Venezuela was mining uranium in the Andes with the aim of providing it to Iran for WMD purposes. Rodil provided the "intelligence".

The real Rodil, the former limousine driver cum swindler that weaponised his clients' / victims' info to hoodwink Israel's and America's intelligence circles, has other -unreported- aspects. Sources have relayed to this site that Rodil is into hacking (not of the ethical kind), and that he was paid to organise surveillance, break in, theft, and threats against this site's former editor and his family in London.

Rodil's Spanish partners are former police officers Daniel Renuncio Mateos, David Berruguete, and José Manuel Betanzos. There's also Alberto Galan Fereres, who like Rodil, claims links to Israel's intelligence and expertise in combatting terrorism, corruption and the like, while being employed by criminals.

Rodil has so far refused to avail himself to investigating authorities in Spain, where he remains "wanted". Not that doing so represents the slightest of dangers. Villalobos, Alvarado, Betancourt, Hugo Carvajal and many others Venezuelan criminals lead very tranquil lifes in Spain, where they enjoy the fruits of their labor and the protection from extradition from a judiciary controlled by a government resolved on making peace with Nicolas Maduro.

Former DEA agent Rob Zachariasiewicz's offered public support for Rodil. The DEA itself has been in the news recently. AP reported about rogue agents taking money from drug traffickers to lead lavish lifestyles, adding "The expanding investigation comes as the nation’s premier narcotics law enforcement agency has been rattled by repeated misconduct scandals in its 4,600-agent ranks, from one who took bribes from traffickers to another accused of leaking confidential information to law enforcement targets."

That is the very definition of what DEA-informant Rodil has been doing for over a decade.

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