Message to INFODIO readers: investigative journalism, which is what this site does, takes lots of time. Visiting media looking for a quick run down on Venezuela's gargantuan corruption, have the decency to at least cite the source when plagiarising this site's content without attribution (exhibit Reuters here and here, exhibit Bloomberg here, exhibit OCCRP here). To all readers, do the right thing, the honest thing: support independent investigative journalism, help us expose rampant corruption. Note added 28/06/2021: impostors are using INFODIO's former editor's full name, and a fake email address (alek.boyd.arregui at to send copyright infringement claims / take down requests to web hosting companies (exhibit Hostgator). The attempt is yet another effort paid by corrupt thugs to erase information about their criminal activities. has no issues with other websites / journalists using / posting information published here, so long as the source is properly cited.

UPDATED - BREAKING: Proton Sociedad Limitada another Libre Abordo front

Further to yesterday's report regarding Libre Abordo, its "bankruptcy" and Venezuela's announcement to take its case to the Intternational Criminal Court (ICC), this site can confirm that far from being out of business, Libre Abordo and Alex Saab continue to do deals with PDVSA and the Maduro regime through Proton Sociedad Limitada. An email dated 31 May, from Master of vessel MT Novo (IMO 9633446, leaked to this site, was sent to Libre Abordo ( as charterers related to a 1MB crude cargo to be lifted by Novo at PDVSA's Jose Terminal on 4 June. PDVSA's internal loading program has Novo slated for 3 - 5 June lift. Proton is shown as PDVSA's "client" in relation to Novo's cargo in PDVSA's loading records. Local maritime agent Victor Quevedo (SEMAFERCA) was among the recipients, as well as John Vasileiadis (, Marine Operations Coordinator at Dynacom Tankers.

Apart from crude lift by MT Novo described above, in the month of May Proton took 5MB in five different cargoes (Fleves, Demetrios, Kudos, Bella V, Respect) according to PDVSA's SAP data.

Request for comments were put yesterday to Paul Weffer Medina, long time associate of SEMAFERCA, and to Quevedo. Further questions regarding operations in Venezuela with Libre Abordo / Proton were sent to DYNACOM's Vasileiadis and to Libre Abordo's Cecilia Aguirre. Answers will be added here when / if they're received.

UPDATE 12:43 GMT: To questions below, DYNACOM's Vasileiadis said "Probably there is a misunderstanding. Above mentioned vessel and its master have no any engagement with Libre Abordo."

Can you please explain why is Capt Kumar sending confidential communications related to Proton Sociedad Limitada to Libre Abordo?

Who on behalf of Libre Abordo engaged in lease of DYNACOM’s vessel Novo?

What deals has DYNACOM had with Libre Abordo in the last six months?

Who is acting as Libre Abordo agent in these deals?

Is DYNACOM aware of criminal investigations and indictments involving Libre Abordo’s / Proton's UBO?

Has DYNACOM been put on notice by U.S. Treasury in relation to commercial operations with Venezuela / PDVSA / Libre Abordo?

UPDATE 04/06/2020, 11:15GMT: The following questions were put to Libre Abordo. Cecilia Aguirre said executives would be asked and requested time to answer.

Por qué Libre Abordo recibe comunicación confidencial relacionada con Proton Sociedad Limitada?

Qué relación tiene Alex Saab con Proton? Dónde fue registrada y cuándo? Quiénes son sus testaferros? Con quién negoció Alex Saab la presentación ante la CPI por parte de Venezuela de la dizque quiebra de Libre Abordo?

Cuándo recibió Libre Abordo el ultimátum del Tesoro americano? Qué comentarios tienen sobre investigaciones en curso en EEUU y México? Por qué Libre Abordo, supuestamente registrada en 2010, registró su dominio de internet en diciembre 2019? A quién le debe Libre Abordo $90 millones? Quiénes son sus acreedores? Dónde registraron bancarrota y cuándo?

Cuánto ha obtenido Libre Abordo por la venta de más de 26 millones de barriles de crudo? Cuántos camiones han sido entregados a esta fecha y cuál es su costo? Cuántas toneladas de maíz u otros insumos han entregado a la fecha y cuál es su costo? Cómo se organizó el levantamiento de crudo entre PDVSA y Schlager? Quién firmó ese acuerdo x PDVSA y x Schlager? Cuándo se firmó?

Qué relación tiene Libre Abordo / Alex Saab con Jacinta Shipping y con Paramount Glory?



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