We have got to comment, don't we, that Russia Report. Another fine example of "independent inquiries" so cherished by the useless / toothless British establishment. After much political wrangling it was finally published yesterday. It is an exercise in futility, an exhibit of the kind of efficiency in problem solving that characterises the ruling class in this country. It sought to address the Putin problem, known and equally ignored by all due to financial expediency and sheer cowardice, by heavily criticising Russia, its legendary lack of rule of law, its utterly thuggish political and business classes, and how the latter have use looted funds to buy basically whoever they want. The Tories have a knack for trips in fancy yatchs owned by Putin's henchmen. Figures of the British establishment love being on retainer, as board members of companies that everyone knows are completely corrupt, so the report was never going to be a thorough condemnation. It couldn't have been. Too many on the take. Dirty money has penetrated far too deep for any official action to be meaningful.
So the tone is set early on, by thanking Christopher Steele, one of the expert witnesses upon which the report based its findings. This is the same Steele that was hired by Fusion GPS, ultimately hired pens of Denis Katsyv, to try to block passing of Magnitsky law over in America. This is the same Steele that authored a completely bogus and unverifiable dossier on how Putin had kompromat on Donald Trump. So Russia interfered in America, by hacking Hillary Clinton and -supposedly- blackmailing Trump with kompromat, and the "expert" that informs an investigating inquiry about that is, himself, a Russian tool.

The very fact that Steele was called upon to contribute his "intelligence" speaks volumes about how rotten the UK establishment is. The media cacophony that followed publication of report has failed to address, not even once, the monumental conflict of interest of having as expert witnesses Bill Browder, Sergei Magnitsky's former boss and the man advocating and pushing internationally for Russia-sanctioning Magnistsky laws, and Christopher Steele, a hiree of Fusion GPS, tasked among other things to fight and libel Browder, and to advance Putin's argument that Magnitsky died of natural causes while in jail.