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pdvsa us litigation trust

Helsinge's man Jose Ignacio Hernandez resigns

Jose Ignacio Hernandez, the heavily conflicted "Procurador" of Juan Guaido, resigned yesterday. Hernandez's resignation letter is a study in dishonesty. No mention was made about work done for Crystallex and in case of PDVSA US Litigation Trust against Helsinge, Trafigura, Glencore et al. Hernandez should have never been appointed to that position, should have never been given access to critical information which will, very likely, end up with Hernandez's past clients.

PDVSA Litigation Trust case dismissed in Florida

PDVSA US Litigation Trust, the farce brought by thug David Boies against Francisco Morillo, Helsinge, Trafigura, Vitol, Glencore et al was dismissed by Judge Darrin Gayles last Friday, for "lack of subject matter jurisdiction." The good thing is that Boies and his merry band of co-conspirators won't be able to steal 66% of whatever proceeds would've been obtained through that civil action in Florida.

Henry Ramos Allup's son was employee of Helsinge Inc

Helsinge Inc, a little venture controlled by Francisco Morillo, Leonardo Baquero and Daniel Lutz that managed to win almost every single PDVSA bid in which it participated, stands accused of having defrauded billions of dollars from PDVSA. It did so for many years, through a remarkably simple method: it gained real time access to PDVSA's bidding system, which allowed itself and its partners (Glencore, Trafigura, Vitol, Lukoil, etc.) to place winning bids at the very last minute.

Venezuela's corrupt fishing in troubled waters of Guaido's transition

Picture the following: in recent visit to Washington, I proposed to Pedro Burelli -for many years esteemed friend- that, given that Juan Guaidó's interim administration was looking to recoup lost funds to help with Venezuela's reconstruction, legal counsel of PDVSA in Geneva lawsuit against Helsinge, Trafigura, Glencore, Lukoil, Vitol et al ought to be replaced. Reason is simple: current one (Canonica) came to it thanks to Wilmer Ruperti.

Global Witness clueless about PDVSA's corruption

Global Witness, self styled protector of "human rights and the environment by fearlessly confronting corruption and challenging the systems that enable it", is silent on PDVSA. As in absolutely silent. A search for PDVSA in Global Witness site returns one (1) result. Since 1993, which is when Global Witness claims to have started, nothing has been done regarding PDVSA's corruption, one that can very easily engulf all other corruption campaigns Global Witness has ever done put together.