Via Gotham City we learn of a probe that FINMA, the Swiss financial watchdog, is doing on Julius Baer, one of the boliburgeoisie favourite money laundering banks. It is refreshing news, when considering that a Julius Baer director sent a threat of legal action when we highlighted his connection to Matthias Krull, the cause of FINMA's probe. Gotham City links to a couple of articles on the topic: one at NZZ by Zoe Baches, and another at at Inside Paradeplatz by Lukas Hässig. In all, it is reported that 70 Venezuelan clients with 700 bank accounts linked to Matthias Krull were identified. Beatriz Sanchez gets a mention, and so does Angelo Mazzarella, proxy / banker of another set of thugs that had deals with Krull / Julius Baer in the past.
Hey @EFGInt, further to billionaire #MoneyLaundering scam you set up w Oberto bros / @PDVSA, have you got any comments on clients Alejandro Betancourt, Pedro Trebbau and @TheJusticeDept fugitive Francisco Convit?
— alek boyd (@alekboyd) April 10, 2019
Julius Baer is by no means an isolated case. As Venezuela unravels, we are going to see scandal after scandal involving Swiss banks and Swiss energy trading houses involved in monumental money laundering rackets and corruption. It ain't gonna be pretty...