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Carmelo Urdaneta Aqui, former PDVSA legal counsel and Rafael Ramirez confidant, hands himself over to the Feds

Carmelo Urdaneta Aqui, former PDVSA legal counsel and Rafael Ramirez confidant, handed himself over to the Feds.

Carmelo Urdaneta Aqui, former PDVSA legal counsel and Rafael Ramirez confidant, handed himself over to the Feds.

Carmelo Urdaneta Aqui, former PDVSA legal counsel and Rafael Ramirez confidant, handed himself over to the Feds.

Carmelo Urdaneta Aqui, former PDVSA legal counsel and Rafael Ramirez confidant, handed himself over to the Feds...

Not a week has gone since Rafael Ramirez was all cocky about his "victory" over Harvest in a civil lawsuit and was reiterating stupid claims about his innocence. It is worth repeating: Carmelo Urdaneta Aqui, former PDVSA legal counsel and member of Rafael Ramirez's criminal clan, handed himself over to the Feds.

Urdaneta Aqui crossed border into Colombia, while his family left Venezuela from Los Roques according to sources.

We recall that Urdaneta Aqui little gigs include: waxing praise on Hildegard Rondon de Sanso's "books" (another Ramirez-approved "legal counsel" of PDVSA); being a general good old confidant and trusted little helper of Baldo Sanso in his (Ramirez-approved) side deals with PDVSA; getting bribes from Nervis Villalobos' web of (Ramirez-approved) PDVSA-sourced corruption through Banca Privada d'Andorra; being involved in Matthias Krull and Francisco Convit's (Ramirez-approved) $1.2 billion money laundering scheme centered at PDVSA, for which he's already been indicted by DoJ; being involved in (Ramirez-approved) Luis & Ignacio Oberto $4.5 billion money laundering scheme centered at PDVSA, which is about to be cracked open...

This site has quite a rap sheet on Urdaneta Aqui, but more importantly, criminal probes in Andorra, Spain, Switzerland and the U.S. are actively investigating Urdaneta Aqui, within the context of larger, very complex and multi jurisdictional probes into PDVSA when it was under Ramirez's management. It's going to get interesting... 

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