Message to INFODIO readers: investigative journalism, which is what this site does, takes lots of time. Visiting media looking for a quick run down on Venezuela's gargantuan corruption, have the decency to at least cite the source when plagiarising this site's content without attribution (exhibit Reuters here and here, exhibit Bloomberg here, exhibit OCCRP here). To all readers, do the right thing, the honest thing: support independent investigative journalism, help us expose rampant corruption. Note added 28/06/2021: impostors are using INFODIO's former editor's full name, and a fake email address (alek.boyd.arregui at to send copyright infringement claims / take down requests to web hosting companies (exhibit Hostgator). The attempt is yet another effort paid by corrupt thugs to erase information about their criminal activities. has no issues with other websites / journalists using / posting information published here, so long as the source is properly cited.

Who is...

The "Who is...?" series is a new type of article this site will be posting on a regular basis. Given that the editor of this site has become a source for journalists, bankers performing KYC, prosecutors, immigration authorities, public policy analysts, intelligence agencies, and concerned citizens, such research will be published in a simpler and more comprehensive way.  The "Who Is" series is an attempt to provide accurate, factual snapshots of some of the most notorious members of the clique inside corrupt governments and enabling societies. Readers can use the contact page to suggest future profiles.

Who is Andrés René Guzmán?

Oscar favor hacerle llegar al Ministro confidencialmente esta info: 

Asunto: Memorando de Entendimiento entre PDVSA y FLUVIOMAR SA 

Estimada Sra. Embajadora Alicia Castro, 

Continuando nuestra amable diálogo telefónico, tengo el agrado de enviarle el siguiente resumen de lo conversado entre PDVSA y nuestra empresa FLUVIOMAR SA. Nuestra intención es de que en la próxima visita Presidencial se pudiera firmar algún tipo de protocolo sobre la materia de logística, distribución y transporte entre la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela y los países miembros del MERCOSUR.

Executive Director of Yaciretá Binational Entity, a joint Argentina - Paraguay commission that built and runs the Yaciretá Dam, and “the Minister” is none other than Julio de Vido, Argentina's Minister of Planning and Public Investment


Who is Pedro Delgado Campaña?


Su experiencia profesional también incluye haber sido Intendente Nacional de Supervisión en Ecuador y Gerente de Riesgos de la Corporación Financiera Nacional del Ecuador. El señor Delgado obtuvo una maestría en Economía Empresarial y un post grado en Administración Bancaria en el INCAE (Costa Rica).”


Who is Frank Holder?


As the dust settles in the spurious lawsuit against Banco Venezolano de Credito brought by proxies of the Venezuelan regime (Derwick Associates), it is worth exposing some of the parties that participated in this malicious charade. FTI Consulting deserves special mention. It is a public listed company, that deals in a number of things, among which PR management.

Who is Wang Jing?


Nearly all reports written on the topic since have questioned Nicaragua's choice of partner: a Chinese individual called Wang Jing. More from the BBC: "The Chinese businessman behind a $40bn (£26bn) plan to build a canal through Nicaragua has promised transparency and insisted his project is not a joke."


Who is Luis Oberto?


Luis Oberto (aka Luis Alfonso Oberto Anselmi) one of the most discreet members of the Venezuelan Boliburgeoisie. A mention here, another there, it seems that Oberto has been able to fly under the radar for quite some time now, although INFODIO readers -an extraordinary source of information on all these white-collar thugs- have been sharing intel on Oberto and his operations.


Who is Tareck el Aissami?


Tareck Zaidan El Aissami Maddah (DOB 12 Nov. 1974, ID. 12.354.211) is the current chavista Governor of Aragua state in Venezuela. He is one of five children of Zaidan Amin El Aissami El Musfi and May Maddah de El Aissami, a Muslim couple of Lebanese origin. El Aissami (TEAM) has had a meteoric rise within chavismo, owing to his excellent relations with Adan Chavez, brother and mentor of the late Hugo, whom he met while reading law in Universidad de los Andes. Despite his young age, El Aissami has been appointed to sensitive roles, such as Head of ONIDEX: Venezuela's equivalent to the Home Office, responsible for identification and immigration. 


Who is Wilmer Ruperti?


Ruperti knows his market. Before 2002, he was a "tanker master", that is a ship captain who most probably was living on a meagre public servant's salary. Like other Venezuelan "entrepreneurs", Ruperti likes to pretend that he is some sort of tycoon, a criollo version of Aristotle Onassis. However, in a little known document from the Commercial Court of the Queen's Bench Division of England's High Court of Justice, Novoship UK Ltd v Wilmer Ruperty et al (Case No: 2006 FOLIO 1267), Ruperti provides as good as a yet-to-be-let-known explanation as to how, exactly, he became a "shipping magnate". Ruperti's knowing the market consists of a tried and tested formula: exploit contacts with key Venezuelan officials, keep them sweet, and see how your wealth mushrooms


Who is Alejandro Betancourt?


Alejandro Betancourt (a.k.a. Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt Lopez, Leopoldo Betancourt, Alejandro Betancourt Lopez) is a chavista wunderkind and CEO of Derwick Associates. A 'pioneer and global entrepreneur' he seems to be preparing his move to Spain, considering the tough times in his native Venezuela. Given his worldwide 'stature' as a 'businessman, philanthropist, innovator, and financial wizard,' Mr. Betancourt’s PR team recently unveiled a new website: AlejandroBetancourt.Es (notice Spain’s TLD) to serve as his presentation card to the world. Betancourt's "aristocratization" process (honouring geografical context I shall define it as "Slimification" or the process by which LatAm businessmen with dubious pasts / credentials and even more questionable wealth become "respectable") merits some scrutiny. Let's just skip the puff piece his PR people put up in Wikipedia, and head to his very own bio page, which is a superb place to appreciate the 'achievements and record' of a man of his 'stature'. 


Who is Juan Carlos Escotet?


"In the 15 countries where BANESCO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL GROUP operates, which includes the USA, it complies with the highest anti money laundering prevention and control standards. This stance, based on our Code of Practice, is recurrently verified, both by internal mechanisms and by competent authorities in each of the countries we operate."



Who is Miguel Angel Capriles Lopez?


Money. That was the first game that Miguel Angel Capriles Lopez asked his father for, when he was gifted his first electronic gadget. Miguel Angel Capriles Lopez* (aka Michu) is, quite possibly, the most powerful Venezuelan you never heard of.



David BoiesWho is David Boies?

David Boies legal career has been referred, almost unanimously, as that of a very successful professional, a superstar lawyer with an exceptional attention to detail who has gotten a choice of cases that have catapulted him, and his firm, to the very top. Boies has been retained by the glitziest, like Harvey Weinstein; by the most progressive and cleanest of liberals, like Al Gore and Michael Moore; the very popular, like the NBA or New York Yankees; the all powerful, like the Justice Department; and the darlings of Silicon Valley, like Theranos.

Danilo DiazgranadosWho is Danilo Diazgranados?

"Binaggia worked with EFG, $1.5 billion went through it. But then EFG got cold feet, and after getting their 1% commission told the Obertos to take their business elsewhere. That's when Charles and Danilo came in..." That is how the source described one of PDVSA's forays into cooling Venezuela's economy, by removing "excess" cash from circulation. The formula was meant to take BsF out, by allowing local operators to "lend" to PDVSA vast amounts in exchange for USD at the preferential rate of exchange, say $1 = 2.15BsF. USD would then be sold at full black market rate, eg $1 = 9BsF. The scheme described, involving Binaggia and EFG for the first tranche and Charles Henry de Beaumont and Joseph Benhamou from Compagnie Bancaire Helvetique (CBH) for the second, amounted to $4.25 billion. CBH "processed" $2.75 billion worth of PDVSA dollars.

Readers appreciative of this kind of investigative posts feel free to make a donation. Next in series [information / leaks welcomed at alekboyd at protonmail dot com]:

Who is Jose Vicente Rangel?

Who is Gustavo Cisneros?

Who is Victor Vargas Irausquin?

Who is Enrique Pescarmona?

Who is David Osio?

Who is Norberto Odebrecht?

Who is Matthieu Pigasse?

Who is Roberto Rincon?