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Will Nicolas Maduro go Noriega way?

Persistent rumours about a super indictement against Nicolas Maduro, Cilia Flores, Tareck el Aisami, and Diosdado Cabello are making the rounds. It would be President Trump's administration way of ratcheting up pressure on chavismo, and according to sources could go as far as including Venezuela in the list of States Sponsors of Terrorism along Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.

Maduro and Cilia's own relatives were caught in drug trafficking, while el Aisami and Diosdado Cabello's track record on the matter points to -at the very least- all heads of leading power factions within chavismo having suspect and quite inexplicable connections to illicit drug trade. For that reason, sources claim even a Noriega-style solution is being considered.

Alleged measures in the works could be announced in early March, to set the stage for Juan Guaido's rally-to-Congress on the 10th. Dept. of Justice and Southern District of New York's prosecutors are allegedly behind the super indictement, which once unsealed could potentially unleash DEA, FBI, CIA, ICE and other Federal Agencies in an all out effort to bring an end to Venezuela's stalemate.

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